Our Team
Prof. Claus Lamm
After the founder of the NBU, Christoph Eisenegger, passed away, Claus took over the formal role of PI and group leader. With the support of Claus and the group's collaborators, the members of the NBU are committed to bringing the research line that Chris started to fruition.
After the founder of the NBU, Christoph Eisenegger, passed away, Claus took over the formal role of PI and group leader. With the support of Claus and the group's collaborators, the members of the NBU are committed to bringing the research line that Chris started to fruition.
Christoph Eisenegger, PhD (1978 - 2017) Chris was funded by a Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators grant sponsored by the WWTF. His main research interest lay in understanding the basic brain processes that guide decisions under risk, emotion and social interactions. He put a strong focus on the neurochemical and hormonal basis underlying these processes. Chris tragically passed away in February 2017 during a trip to Namibia. He is dearly and intensely missed. To visit Chris' staff page, including his (still-growing) list of publications, please click here. To visit the memorial page dedicated to Chris' scientific life, please click here. |
Mag. Sigrid Hager
I support the staff of the NBU in administrative matters and I am also point of contact for external inquiries of students, scientists and administrative staff at the University of Vienna. [email protected]
T: +43-1-4277-47103 |
Annabel Losecaat Vermeer, PhD
My research aims to understand the neurobiological and psychological mechanisms that underlie decision-making under risk and decisions in social interactions, such as competition and cooperation. For example, how the processing of social information influences our behaviour in competitive interactions, and how hormones such as testosterone modulate both the evaluation of social information and subsequent behaviour. [email protected]
T: +43-1-4277-471 85 |
Shawn Geniole, PhD
I am currently working in the lab as a Banting Postdoctoral Research Fellow, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. I will be investigating the role of testosterone in promoting prosocial and antisocial behaviours, and how the strength and direction of these relationships may change depending on social factors such as an individual's perceived or actual social status within society or their social group. My research approach incorporates techniques from experimental economics, social psychology, and psychopharmacology. |
Lei Zhang, PhD
My research applies knowledge from cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and computational modeling to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the brain computes values and social information when making decisions. For that, I use behavioral measurements, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and Bayesian hierarchical modeling. |
Lisa A. Rosenberger, MSc
For my PhD project I study how individuals update their beliefs about their interaction partners during repeated social interactions by combining paradigms from experimental economics and social neuroscience. Specifically I aim for a deeper understanding of the neurophysiological and neurochemical mechanisms underlying trust behaviour during those interactions. [email protected]
T: +43-1-4277-471 88 |
Hana H. Kutlikova, MSc
I am interested in the neurohormonal basis of human motivation in social environments. My aim is to contribute to the understanding of how brain processes social rewards (e.g. social approval or reputation gain) and how steroid hormones affect these processes. More specifically, I examine the mechanisms of human prosocial behaviors by exploiting computational and neuroimaging tools as well as approaches from behavioral economics and psychoneuroendocrinology. My PhD project at the NBU is funded by a three-year Uni:docs fellowship. [email protected]
T: +43-1-4277-471 86 |
Nace Mikus, MSc
Through my PhD I would like to contribute to the body of work that tries to dissect our maneuvering through time and space with basic decision tasks. I try to describe the behavior in these tasks using mathematical and computational models of the underlying cognitive and neural processes, [email protected]
T: +43-1-4277-471 86 |
Lab and research assistants
- David Cserjan
- Alexander Kudrna
MSc students
- Christina Faschinger
- Konstantin Leidermann
- Kathrin Steinmüller
Former lab members
Marta Castaldi, MSc
Our beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are influenced everyday by the people around us. Adopting different methodologies from economics, psychology and psychopharmachology, I am investigating the role of social influence and conformity in shaping social preferences and behavior. My other research interests include information processing and belief updating during social conformity. |
Sebastijan Veselic, BSc